Monday, January 21, 2013

Vintage Family Wedding Photos

These photos are from my mother-in-law, Annette. These photos are so intriguing to me. Look how beautiful this woman is! And that is her again in the flapper wedding below. She looks so happy, unlike the last wedding photo. Wow, do they scared or what?  Anyway, we are not exactly sure who this beautiful woman is, except that she is a cousin of grandpa or great-grandpa....but looking at her, you can come up with so many wonderful stories of her amazing life. 
I don't know about you (women), but my mother would have died if I wore a short dress to my wedding, but note that her flapper style was not only unique but very classy. 

Victorian Era: Did you know that they wore Red or Black wedding dresses. 
Fact: now which one is this one? Black or red?

Awww, now you gotta love those happy faces. No bets on if this marriage survived. Back then you never divorced.  Of course, there was divorce but if they were like my great aunt, they would tell you that her husband died in some horrible death. Nice huh!

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