Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sweet little pumpkins sitting in the sun. 

I love this time of year, it is so colorful, and the air is so crisp. Can't wait to go out for a walk today. I'm blowing off all my promises to be social today and I'm just going to be with me! Sitting here, writing in my new blog, feels like such an indulgence already. It's something that I'm just going to have to get used too [big smile]. The kids are getting older and I finally see that I can do things for me. For years I've been looking forward to the days where I can start work on projects that reflect my ideas. No more..."can you make this for me?" Alright, I know that will still happen, but I'm going to say "No!" more and this blog is going to be my journal of my new journey into this new phase in my life. I'm so excited. So off I go...

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