Monday, April 29, 2013

Sweet Little Flowers

The white snow has been replaced by the little delicate white blossoms of spring.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Magnolia Time at Willowwood

Willowwood is a beautiful estate brimming with flowering trees and plants that makes you stop and admire every plant you see. Expect to spend lots of time there. I still haven't seen it all, but every turn was something awe inspiring. A must see. I know I will be back to see the June flowering. This time I think I will bring a picnic, so I have no reason to leave, till I'm told to go!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Quince - a delightful bush that seems to be overlooked by many. That is until it blooms!
What beautiful little flowers it has.
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

My Studio Chair Flip

My studio chair project is finished! 

I bought this chair at an estate sale. Actually, the photo on the left is not the same chair. I tore my chair apart before I took a photo, but this "before" photo looked very close to the original. It was so ugly & dirty, but I was very lucky to have a friend who is a mechanic and sandblasted the metal. I then primed it and sprayed it a satin black. Another friend gave me the cream colored leather. My husband helped me with the upholstery and he did a fantastic job. I am so happy how it came out and look forward to many creative hours in comfort on my refabbed chair.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Look up and see the flowers

The weather is slowly getting warmer and some brave flowers have popped out. I am so happy to hear the little peepers (tiny frogs) at night and the birds calling their significant other every morning. It seemed like it took forever for winter to tuck itself away for another year. Now, I'm so glad to sit in the sun and enjoy the beauty outside.