Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! 

I love my card this year. I took the photo of the two horses last year in Warwick, NY. They had this open carriage riding throughout the town. It was such an old fashion and beautiful sight to see. 

The rest of my card was inspired by my chalk board. I love drawing and writing on it all the time. And the plaid is my favorite pattern this time of year. I use plaid on my presents, in my wreaths and this year I used real plaid scarves as table runners to display my nutcracker collection. I was thrilled to put so much of my favorite things into this card. I hope you enjoy it!
Enjoy the season and stay warm!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Disney Princess Murals

Here I am painting another mural. I had one week to do 6 Disney princesses for a little girl's bedroom while she was away with her mom. I haven't done a mural in awhile, but my heart melted when I heard the father's story.  His wife instructed him to get the walls painted within the two weeks that her and her daughter were gone. He had hired a friend, of a friend, of a friend and they never showed up! One week gone. So, the poor man called every place that said that they were artists. He called my former boss, from American Art Studio, luckily she remembered that I used to do murals and referred me to him. I heard his plyte and saw the handwritten letter from the girl with her list of princesses - or as I like to call them female hero's. I was impressed by her selection. Even though I haven't met the little girl - I like her already! So, here I was, one week and they wanted princesses and background on all the walls. I knew I didn't have that kind of time frame for the background, but I could get her her princesses. So, I was hired!

The smartest thing that I did for this project was to hire my bff to assist me. She was so efficient that I put her to the wall and had her paint as well. She was scared at first, but then she became addicted. She painted the log by my raccoon and she painted, almost all of Ariel, I insisted on painting the lines so it all looked like the others, but that was her baby. She also painted the dresses. By the time she painted Ariel, she was so happy and excited! She was ready to give up her office management position and become a full time muralist. Sadly, not that many jobs come by that often to make it a career, but when they do, I will definitely have my assistant by my side. She made my time so easy. All I had to do was stand on the ladder and paint. What fun! Hope you enjoy them. I would love to hear your comments.







Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My "Model" Photography

These shots are my "model" shots. I find these people in real life moments and capture a style that would be perfect for a Calvin Klein ad. I do not know any of these people (except the bride). I have not set up any of these shots. I am starting to enjoy this type of photography. I am fascinated by textures, shapes and styles. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

We're watching you. . .

Halloween is my favorite time of year and I just love making cards for the occasion.  I took this photo of the baby doll heads in a huge antique store up in Cooperstown, NY.  I was surprised at all the creepy things they sold. They had lots of stuffed animals, really strange statues and they even had antique photos of dead people. It's hard to believe but it was common practice to take a photo of the deceased and it was so sad to see so many children propped up in chairs. Very Creepy!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Big Tomato on a Yellow Plate

I woke up this morning and just felt creative from moment one.  Then I walked into the kitchen and noticed that big tomato I bought at a farm stand. The light bulb went off and I ran to my hutch and grabbed my one and only yellow plate. Yes, it was perfect! That and my love for tableclothes just felt right. Click, Click and off to my computer I went. Quickly the hours move on but for once I was in a zone and didn't have something else to do. I wish this could happen more often. Look what a simple tomato can do.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Photo Art by Sandy

I'm entering some of my photos in a contest/show.
Would love some feed back on my choices.